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The What and How of Active Recall

Learning new information can be challenging, especially when it comes to retaining that information for later use. Active recall is a learning technique that has been proven to be effective in strengthening memory and improving retention.
One of the most popular and practical ways to use active recall is through the use of flashcards. Let us explore what active recall is and how it works.

What is Active Recall?

Active recall is a learning technique that involves intentionally recalling information from memory as a means of reinforcing it. When we actively recall information, we are engaging our brain in a process of retrieval, which strengthens the connections between neurons and makes it easier to retrieve that information in the future. Active recall can be done through a variety of techniques, such as self-testing, practice quizzes, or simply asking oneself questions about the material.

How does Active Recall Work?

The human brain has a remarkable capacity for memory, but it requires effort to strengthen and maintain those memories. Active recall works by engaging the brain in a process of retrieval, which helps to consolidate memories and make them more accessible in the future.

When we learn something new, our brain forms connections between neurons that create a memory. However, these connections can weaken over time if they are not used or reinforced. Active recall helps to strengthen these connections by requiring the brain to retrieve the information from memory, which in turn strengthens the connections between neurons and makes it easier to retrieve that information in the future.

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